Tutorial: How to Draw Simple Shapes in AS3

Written By MrSun at 8:00 am - Saturday, September 13th, 2008
Categories: Beginner Tutorials, Flash

Hey guys, today we’re going to learn something fun and exciting! That is, drawing shapes in ActionScript 3.0. I’ve actually covered a little bit of this in my platform tutorial, but I want to make it the focus of this tutorial. So, let’s get started shall we?

First of all, we’re going to create a new flash file. Then, we’ll name “Layer 1” to “actions” because that will be the only layer that we’ll need to use today.

Drawing Circles

In order to draw a circle, we have to place the following code into the first frame:

//defining a new variable that will be the circle
var newCircle:Shape = new Shape();
//now we begin adding a fill to the variable
//this will make the circle red
//now we call a function that will draw the circle
//the first value (100) is the x value
//the second value (100) is the y value
//and the third value(50), is the radius
//the x and y values count for the center of the circle,
//now the left corner like you'd usually see
//this function just tells actionscript that we're done
//using this red fill
//adding the circle to the stage

I really commented out this one so hopefully you can understand what this code does. This will just draw a red circle that is 50 pixels in radius, 50 pixels from left and top of the stage. Without the comments, it only takes 5 lines, so it isn’t too complicated.

End Product

(I made the stage a bit smaller)

Drawing Rectangles/Squares

Drawing a rectangle or square is very similar to the circle, except with a different function called. Here’s the commented code for doing so:

var newRect:Shape = new Shape();
//now we call a function that will draw the square
//the first value (50) is the x value
//the second value (50) is the y value
//the third value (100), is the width
//and the final value (100), is the height

I just commented the new stuff that was added in.

The End Product



ive entered the code correctly, ive double checked and triple checked, but the shape doesnt show on the screen is there some kind o promt to make it appear that you havent mentioned?


It’s correct code from what I can understand.

Try (I double drew a sprite which need to be deleted but it works):

package {

import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*

public class boat extends Sprite {

var triangleUp:Sprite = new Sprite();
var switchorbfill:Sprite = new Sprite();
var boatcompass:Sprite = new Sprite();

var boatColor = [0x333333];

var backgroundTopColor = [0x777777] //De achtergrond, kan weg.
var backgroundBottomColor = [0x333333]; //De achtergrond, kan weg.

var fillType:String = GradientType.LINEAR;
var backgroundCol:Array = [backgroundTopColor, backgroundBottomColor]; //Dit is de achtergrond, en kan worden verwijderd
var alphas:Array = [1, 1]; //Dit is de achtergrond, en kan worden verwijderd
var ratios:Array = [0, 255]; //Dit is de achtergrond, en kan worden verwijderd
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); //Dit is de achtergrond, en kan worden verwijderd
var gradWidth:Number = 30; //Dit is de achtergrond, en kan worden verwijderd
var gradHeight:Number = 5; //Dit is de achtergrond, en kan worden verwijderd
var gradRotation:Number = 0 / 180 * Math.PI; //Dit is de achtergrond, en kan worden verwijderd
var gradOffsetX:Number = 0-20; //Dit is de achtergrond, en kan worden verwijderd
var gradOffsetY:Number = 0; //Dit is de achtergrond, en kan worden verwijderd
var orbRad:Number=100; //Dit is de achtergrond, en kan worden verwijderd
var gradientBoxMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); //Dit is de achtergrond, en kan worden verwijderd

public function boat() {

matrix.createGradientBox(gradWidth, gradHeight, gradRotation, gradOffsetX, gradOffsetY);
var spreadMethod:String = SpreadMethod.PAD;

boatcompass.graphics.lineStyle(3, 0x222222);
boatcompass.graphics.beginGradientFill(fillType, backgroundCol, alphas, ratios, matrix, spreadMethod);
boatcompass.graphics.moveTo(-12, -50);
boatcompass.graphics.curveTo(-8, -65, 0, -85);
boatcompass.graphics.curveTo(8, -65, 12, -50);
boatcompass.graphics.curveTo(18, -30, 20, 0);
boatcompass.graphics.curveTo(20, 40, 10, 72);
boatcompass.graphics.curveTo(0, 82, -10, 72);
boatcompass.graphics.curveTo(-20, 40, -20, 0);
boatcompass.graphics.curveTo(-18, -30, -12, -50);

