34 Tips on Getting your Flash Game Sponsored

Written By MrSun at 12:51 pm - Saturday, July 26th, 2008
Categories: Flash

  1. Be patient. Sponsors are very busy people and it will take time before they might even see your sponsorship request
  2. Use flashgamelicense.com. They provide a free service that gives you an oppurtunity to show your game to potential sponsors and/or developers. I use it and highly recommend it
  3. E-mail as many sponsors as you can, even if you get an offer. You can always politely tell them that you have a higher offer
  4. Be polite to every potential sponsor. They have feelings too, so be nice
  5. Don’t show sponsors unfinished games
  6. Don’t annoy sponsors by constantly barraging them with e-mails. They get enough of those already
  7. Make sure your sponsor is reliable before accepting their offer
  8. Make a good game. This probably shouldn’t even be here, but some people just don’t learn
  9. Don’t put sloppy art into your games. No matter how great your game is, bad graphics almost always drive away potential sponsors
  10. Keep in-game ads (like Mochiads or Gamejacket) out of your game when showing it to sponsors. That’s just another way to annoy them
  11. Don’t ask for sponsorships after you’ve released your game to the public. Most sponsors want the first appearance of your game to be on their site. There are special types of licenses that you can give out once you release your game
  12. Keep your game as G-rated as possible. This gives you a wider variety of potential sponsors
  13. Research more on different types of sponsorships and find the type that you want. Flashgamesponsorship.com has some great information about them
  14. Ask other developers for advice about sponsorship for your game
  15. Don’t give up if your request for a sponsorship is rejected. You’ll find a sponsor eventually if you keep on improving your game.
  16. Make original games
  17. Make addicting games
  18. If you have made games before, make a portfolio of your works so sponsors know what quality of game to expect
  19. Do whatever a reputable sponsor suggest you to do to your game. They are most often correct
  20. Always find out the details of a sponsorship before accepting the offer. It may not be worth the money
  21. If your first offer for your game is much higher than you expect, don’t accept it immediately. It can probably go higher
  22. If your first offer is lower than expected, don’t reject it immediately. Perhaps it is actually a reasonable price
  23. If you are a beginner at game development, don’t expect your first game to make much money
  24. Politely ask sponsors for suggestions when asking for a sponsorship, their opinion always counts
  25. If you can’t make good art for your life, have an artist do it for you. Of course, you’d have to give them a percentage of your earnings
  26. Don’t use copyrighted music in your game, there are plenty of places to get free uncopyrighted music
  27. Fix all of the bugs in your game before showing it to a sponsor. Nobody likes a broken game
  28. Build up your reputation on the web by posting in flash forums, making popular games, having a good blog, etc. If sponsors know who you are before you even ask them for money, then you’ll have a much higher chance of being accepted
  29. Make good use of your time when developing your game. The hours you spend working on the game might not be worth the money you get back from a sponsorship
  30. Always have some type of scoring system in your flash game. That way, you can install your sponsor’s high score API, making more money
  31. Protect your flash game before showing it to sponsors. Remember, some people just can’t be trusted
  32. Don’t break the agreement of your sponsorship after getting paid. Sponsors know other sponsors. They can tell on you
  33. Optimize your code. The less processing power it requires to play your game, the more people can access it, which sponsors like
  34. Have fun (cliche?)! The money you get from sponsorships are never worth it when you aren’t at least enjoying yourself.