Psychology Will Help you Make Better Games
Written By MrSun at 4:00 am - Saturday, August 02nd, 2008
Categories: Flash
Categories: Flash
Psychology is the study of the human mind. If you think about it, it becomes pretty obvious that this study could indeed help you make better games. I’m not saying that you need to enroll in a college course to make great games, but perhaps it could help.
There is only one thing that you will know for sure about the people who play your game, and that is that they will have a brain (and a heart, body, and soul but I’m not focusing on those right now). Although no one brain is exactly like another, there are many similarities that between them. Learning psychology can help you learn those similarities and take advantage of them.
These books have facinated me and have really taught me a lot about the human mind. (Affiliate Links).
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
Teaching you how to make your projects “sticky”The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
Creating social epidemics (for the better or worse)Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
Insights you make in the blink of an eye- The Myths of Innovation
The false facts of making a new or creative idea